Bob Woodruff’s Excellent Video “To Iraq and Back” (posted Sept. 7, 2008)

This riveting report by Bob Woodruff, who sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury reporting in Iraq, was sent to me on DVD by a dear, fellow TBIer. I recently found the video online at ABC News and am glad to be able to share. It is a compelling and honest look at Bob Woodruff’s Traumatic Brain Injury and fight to recover:

The second part Bob gives voice to the lives of our beloved soldiers returning from Iraq with TBI. It is a call to awareness, action, and compassion.

We must continue to support our troops as they return from war and in their ongoing battle living with Traumatic Brain Injury. Those who died did not die in vain, we must assure those who live with TBI do not live in vain.

About Resilient Heart

TBI x3, that's me! If you had a Traumatic Brain Injury (or Injuries!) and knew you might not remember dates, events, people, etc., would you live each day differently? Would you give more, forgive more, heal more? I am. The statistics for me developing Dementia or Alzheimer's is a high possibility - one, because of the TBIs, and two - because I'm genetically predisposed. Come with me as this present moment is all we know we have... Wishing you all the best - today & always. Blessings, Love & Peace, RH
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